Monday, July 16, 2012

'Programming in Scala' book now FREE

If you're looking to learn Scala or looking to broaden your knowledge thereof, you'll be pleased to know that it's just been announced that the first edition of 'Programming in Scala' by Martin Odersky (the creator of Scala), Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners is now FREE online in HTML format.

How to learn ScalaYou will learn a lot about Scala simply by reading this book from cover to cover. You can learn Scala faster and more thoroughly, though, if you do a few extra things.First of all, you can take advantage of the many program examples included in the book. Typing them in yourself is a way to force your mind through each line of code. Trying variations is a way to make them more fun and to make sure you really understand how they work.Second, keep in touch with the numerous online forums. That way, you and other Scala enthusiasts can help each other. There are numerous mailing lists, discussion forums, a chat room, a wiki, and multiple Scala-specific article feeds. Take some time to find ones that fit your information needs. You will spend a lot less time stuck on little problems, so you can spend your time on deeper, more important questions.Finally, once you have read enough, take on a programming project of your own. Work on a small program from scratch, or develop an add-in to a larger program. You can only go so far by reading.

Here's the announcement:

Here's the online version:

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