Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scala tips, tricks, and info

Here are a collection of tips, tricks, and general information I have gleaned from using Scala for a while. These tips apply to Scala 2.7.3

Case classes
You can define a case class like so:

case class Foo(x: Int)

A case class definition, such as case class Foo(x: Int) does the following things:
  • Defines a class named Foo.
  • Exposes a getter, x.
  • Defines a case class constructor function, also named Foo.

The case keyword is merely a convenience; you can achieve the same result by writing this:

class Foo(val x: Int)
def Foo(x: Int) = new Foo(x)

Don't confuse case classes and objects. If you define an object, and you want to instantiate it via ObjectName(), you must write an apply method in your object.

Pattern matching gotchas
A common mistake that newbies make is that Scala expects constants to be in uppercase. If you try to match a constant in uppercase, Scala will use that constant. If you try to match a constant that is in lowercase, Scala will think you want to bind a new variable to that identifier, resulting in unexpected behavior. Take a look at the following example:

// Binds a new variable to foo:
// Don't do this!
match {
  case foo => "yes"
  case _ => "no" /* Unreachable code */

// Uses existing variable foo:
// Do this if you must.
match {
  case `foo` => "yes"
  case _ => "no"

// Uses existing variable FOO:
// Do this because it's the best.
match {
  case FOO => "yes"
  case _ => "no"

Synchronized collections (or adding other traits)

val map = new HashMap[String, Int] with SynchronizedMap[String, Int]

Multidimensional maps

case class MulMap[K1, K2, V] {
  val wrapped = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[(K1, K2), V]
  def update(k1: K1, k2: K2, v: V) = wrapped.put((k1, k2), v)
  def apply(k1: K1, k2: K2) = wrapped((k1, k2))

val map = MulMap[String, String, Int]
map("apple""orange") = 4

Multidimensional arrays

new Array[Array[Boolean]](width, height)

A shorter way to write list literals

def L[T](xs: T*) = List(xs: _*)
// OR
val L = List
// OR
import scala.{List=>L}

Differences between val, lazy val and def
  • vals are only evaluated the first time they are declared.
  • lazy vals are only evaluated the first time they are referenced.
  • defs are evaluated each time they are referenced.

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